I believe many Americans are alot like I am... or WAS. I worked hard, was self reliant and didn't depend on anyone but my husband and I to care for our family. I love my country and I can't imagine living anywhere else in the world and realize how blessed we are.
However, if you were like me, you were trusting that everyone else felt the same way you did especially those government leaders that you elected. You didn't care about politics because you may have found it "boring" and/or you didn't have much time to follow it because you are trying to provide for your family. You trusted that they were doing what you would do to keep our great nation great!
We all know we no longer have that luxury. In fact, we have dropped the ball and need to repent and ask for forgiveness. Why are we here today and facing the challenges we are now facing? Because we fell asleep and didn't keep vigilant watch over freedom, liberty and who really was at the helm and which direction they were leading us.
Now we do; and a sleeping giant has been awakened...but is it too late? Starting now we need to really find those leaders who love and believe in the Constituition and America like we do! Patriot Samuel Langdon gave a speech in 1788 that instructed us about who we elect to lead in any level of government. He said:
"On the people, therefore, of these United States, it depends whether wise men, or fools, good or bad men, shall govern...be careful in the choice of your representatives! Fix your eyes upon men of good understanding and known honesty; men of knowledge, improved by experience; men who fear God and hate covetousness; who love truth and righteousness....Let not men openly irreligious and immoral become your legislators...If the legistlative body are corrupt, you will soon have bad men for counselors, corrupt judges, unqualified justices, and officers in every department who will dishonor their stations....Never give countenance to turbulent men, who wish to distinguish themselves and rise to power by forming combinations and exciting insurrections against government....It is a debt you owe to your children."
Begin now to research, study and find out as much as you can about those running in this years elections. Find those who will STAND UP and are not afraid to fight for those things that you believe in. It is critical that we remove those who have betrayed us, our country and our Constitution and replace them with leaders who are on OUR side!
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