Monday, November 23, 2009
What If....Do you Think this Would Happen?
I'm planning to move my family and extended family (18-20 mouths) into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me.
We're planning to simply walk across the border from the U..S. into
Mexico, and we'll need your help to make a few arrangements.
We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration
quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here.
So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Calderon, that I'm on my
way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:
1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.
3. All Mexico government forms need to also be printed in English.
4. I want my kids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual)
5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. I want my kids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their school.
7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.
9. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico, but, I don't plan to purchase car insurance, and I probably won't make any special effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from
their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has
at least one English-speaking officer.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put U S.. flag decals on
my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th.
I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals..
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes,or have any labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start.
13. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say a critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy.
I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all his people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that President Calderon won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.
Thank you so much for your kind help.
US Citizen & Taxpayer
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Wise Stewards

We continue to hear citizens demanding that our government should be fiscally responsible; I agree. Today, however, it occurred to me, "And shouldn't our government expect from its citizens the same?" I think so.
Many of us have become just as irresponsible with our money as the government has. We are guilty of charging when we should be saving, living beyond our means and not even knowing what our "means" are because we do not budget!
Our wants have taken over our needs and we will have to make an accounting to the Lord for ALL things that he has blessed us with. Lets get back to basics:
* Budget wisely (or start a budget)
* Start paying off debt
* Resist to charge or even buy a want
* Increase contributions to fast offerings
I believe the Lord wants everyone to be more financially wise (or wiser stewards) and then more of us would not be so dependant on the government. Perhaps it can all begin with us as citizens.
"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam in thine own eye; and then thou shalt see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." Mathew 7:3-5
Friday, November 6, 2009
Are you an Ant or a Grasshopper?

The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.
The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Be responsible for yourself!
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
CBS, NBC , PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast.
How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper, and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green.'
Jesse Jackson stages a demonstration in front of the ant 's house where the news stations film the group singing, 'We shall overcome.' Jesse then has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's sake.
Nancy Pelosi & John Kerry exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.
Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer.
The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.
The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around him because he doesn't maintain it.
The ant has disappeared in the snow.
The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the once peaceful neighborhood.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Be careful how you vote in 2012.

How did we get here? Perhaps "hard working self reliant" citizens or ANTS like you and me have been WORKING and taking care of ourselves and our families that we haven't been paying too much attention to what is happening back in Washington and in our own state capitals. Let's do better and not make the same mistake again!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
America and God Do Belong Together!

I have never been much for politics until this past year. I have found most people I talk with were alot like me. As we see our freedoms being stripped from us and the Constitution being trampled on it is waking us all up!
At first I thought this was a bad thing, but now I am beginning to be greatful. Why? It has forced me to become educated and to pay attention to what is going on and why!
I took it for granted that those leaders that we had voted for were fighting for "me" and what I stand for. I took it for granted and trusted that they were living up to their oath that they made when they took office. I trusted that they were defending truth and right.
I have also learned that there are a lot of US citizens who don't like America and what we stand for. Who would of thought? I still can't wrap my head around it even now.
So as a small contribution, I dedicate this blog to help remind ME of why America was created in the first place. Whether anyone else ever reads this or not I hope that it will be a constant reminder that freedom is NEVER free! We must constantly guard it and fight for it!And if we do not include God we can not be successful to do neither.